Lopez Village waterfront, ca. 1890
This file appears in: 2. Hutch’s Trading Post: the First Store on Lopez
Note how all the buildings are facing the water -- what was once the fastest highway around.
Buildings identified from left to right:
1. Lopez Creamery
2. Hiram’s store (upstairs used for church, Sunday school, dances and band)
3. Barn
4. Senna Blake’s house
5. Hog pen
6. Building connected with clam cannery
7. ?
8. Hotel
9. Oscar Week’s boat house
This file appears in: 2. Hutch’s Trading Post: the First Store on Lopez
2. Hutch’s Trading Post: the First Store on Lopez – Public Shore Access on Weeks Point Way
Just a few steps from here, Hiram Hutchinson ran the first grocery store (or trading post) on Lopez Island. The store offered staple goods such as flour, sugar, coffee, gunpowder and tobacco. “Hi” or “Hutch,” as he was called, came to Lopez in the…