Results for subject term "Belle Vue Sheep Farm": 3
Belle Vue Sheep Farm – The Sheep Farm Where the Pig War Began
Before there was American or English camp, there was the Belle Vue Sheep Farm. What was once a central point of the Pig War is now no more than a vast, open field with a white flagpole.
The farm was originally established by Chief Factor of the…
"Kanakas" settlers of the San Juan Islands – How Hudson Bay Company influenced resettlement of the San Juan Island by Native Hawaiians
During the first half of the 1800s, the Hudson Bay Company (HBC) expanded their fur-trading empire establishing forts, farms, and warehouses in the Pacific Northwest. At this time the HBC shipping routes extended throughout the British empire, and…
Who is the Namesake of Friday Harbor? – What is the historical memory of Peter Friday and Joe Friday
In 1859 the British survey ship HMS Plumper was scouting the San Juan Islands during the joint occupation of the Islands by the British and the United States. Oarsmen from the HMS Plumper took a skiff into what they would later call "Friday…